Mongolians subsist on a dairy-heavy diet, even though most are lactose intolerant. (Matthäus Rest/) Lake Khövsgöl is about as far …

Mongolians subsist on a dairy-heavy diet, even though most are lactose intolerant. (Matthäus Rest/) Lake Khövsgöl is about as far …
Wake up better. (John-Mark Smith via Unsplash/) French roast, Italian roast, and espresso roast are all popular names for coffees, …
Not all epidemics are created equal. (DepositPhoto/) Scientists, medical professionals, and governments around the world are working to understand how …
HTC’s Proton headset looks like something you might wear snowboarding. (HTC/) It’s hard to look cool while wearing a VR …
Illustration of a thin film of protein nanowires generating electricity from atmospheric humidity. (UMass Amherst/) An interdisciplinary team of scientists …
In the pinkish muscle of some Pacific salmon lives a distant cousin of jellyfish that thrives without working mitochondria, the …
An inspirational “Hidden Figure” and a key player in sending the first humans to the moon, mathematician Katherine Johnson died …
Even on a black hole’s turf, an essential constant of nature holds steady. According to standard physics, the fine-structure constant, …
Mars is not quite dead, geologically speaking. The surface of the Red Planet trembles with Marsquakes, scientists report, one of …
The stories that Judith Feinberg hears from people with substance use disorder are riddled with loss: of jobs, opportunity, security, …